:: #moviereview The Amazing Spiderman 2 ::

i think, superhero yang paling kememe skali so far would definitely be Spiderman. watching the movie screening yesterday adalah dalam 5x kot dia sedih and cried. ye lahhh..dengan nak lawan villains lagi...and nak kesian dekat aunty dia lagi...and teringat pasal parents dia mati lagi...and broke up with Gwen and she had to move to England lagikkk...and then si Gwen....eh, too much info. stress giler jadi Spidey no wonder la dia tak membesar. tidur tak lena, makan tak kenyang agaknya kan? but personally for me, watching Spidey this time macam takde 'ummpphhh' ...i expected something more. something more....exciting. thrilling. nerve-wrecking. something yang would make go 'NOOOOoooooOOOoooo!!!!' ..the only adrenaline rush i had was following him main lompat sana sini within the buildings. that was fun. macam naik flying fox yang terhoyong-hayang. this time macam takde climax. maybe cause it was mostly predictable. *mata kuyu* but thumbs up to Electro. Jamie Foxx played t...