:: cancelling January ::

Assalamualaikum korangs. 
i'm just gonna be straight forward about things this year. i think im gonna cancel January. bole ke gitu? bhahahahahahaha. kita anggap je la Jan nie as a trial month. training of some sort. can ah? 

okay fine. kidding. Happy 2022 korangs! **waving hard**

i started my first day of the year with....diarrhea. tak kelakar kau tahu tak! going in and out of the toilet every 10-15 mins for 2 days was exhausting. no idea what i ate. but it was horrible. i actually said sorry to my tummy and bonbons for having them go through such excruciating moments. it makes you sad tau knowing you hurt your body. tapi...although dehydrated sis cuba gak la husnuzon. kan dah pesan berkali-kali kene sentiasa bersangka baik. sis bersangka it is God's way of telling me, it's time to jaga makan this year jangan main bedal je sebab you are not getting younger. and on top of that pemalas nak exercise. so this is a reminder. gitu la konon-nya my prasangka. sis terima seada-nya. tiber. 3rd day diarrhea session interval ke toilet jarak lama skit terus kuar jalan2 cari ..makanan. apo. reminder jadahnya. but okay..okay...i am aware. 

then on the 9th i had my booster shot! soooo smooth session that lovely Sunday morning. lovely sangat sampaikan sis terasa lemaunya ke hari ini. haha. adakah faktor booster atau faktor umur? i got Pfizer and welcomed it with no demam whatsoever. lenguh tangan tu biasa lah kannn...normal. but yang abnormal-nya adalah ke-lemau-an selepas itu. masyaAllah. what happened dude? the very next day i had an absolutely malas day. of course la sis in-denial nak ngaku that i am actually that but i really think booster had just made me worst. Lols. tak tahu la brapa kali LVDV rolled-eyes sebab sis punya tahap mengada was beyond terok. i mean kalau on days i was demam pon i was just not like that. the fact that diri sendiri pon tahu effect-malas-lepas-booster-diikuti-dengan-cranky-and-mengada-moodswings-tahap-dewi sampaikan diri sendiri pon naik meluat tu maknanya apa? maknanya...probably the booster IS actually working. it works too much sampai la tahap lemau and malas tu is still there. hahahaha. takpe takpe..bersangka baik kan. it's just asking you to take extra rest gamaknya. 

oh wait, besides lemau and malas, i actually got the effect of being incredibly emotional. LVDV had to work a day after dia dapat booster shots. pagi tau dia bangun siap2 nak pegi keje. guess who literally pujuk rayu asking to stay home and just rest je? me, obviously. and when LVDV justified "tak bole la syg, HS i banyak lagi" ...i broke down to tears that early morning. bole tak aku sedih!!!!!! apa ke hal minah nie sekor nie wehh....emo teroks plak dia. hahahaha. rasa nak sepak diri sendiri pon ada bila pikir2 balik. but yeah i was sad. kuar2 ayaq mata bagai tau..no kidding. i blamed the company of course to sedapkan hati. hello...someone has to take the blame. duhh~ takan nak blame booster plak lagi kan? ish. 

i am so not focused this month. no freaking idea why. second week baru siapkan Vision Board and today just before i started blogging nie, i just finished my 2022 MANIFESTATION. and it's just a couple of days to ending month. what is happening to you Tania? wake up! wake up! **sprays water at face** everyone, please pray for me. hehe. 

Me, literally. 😂

on another note, Happy 2022 korangs! yups, wishing again. just in case ada yang tak perasan tadi. are you guys still doing those resolution things? i dumped that. my last one included #ilovemyjob until one day i realized i didn't sebenarnya. i don't have a job now but i have a journey to go through to achieve my goals and im okay with that too. Love yourself that is what's important at the end of the day. 

so, am i cancelling January? yes. i have a couple more days to be in this state of lemau-ness. i shall start kicking off my year in February. apa salahnya tukar kan? sedang kan budak skolah pon start new-school year in March. it's okay to be different. it's your life anyway. suka hati kau lah kan. 

please everyone, do take care. wear masks and jaga SOP ok? jaga diri, jaga hati, jaga mental and jaga perangai jugak please. jangan perangai maciam-maciam plak tahun nie. biarlah yang bodoh tu m*****i  jer korangs jangan ikot ek. susah kalau ada perangai bodoh tak boleh nak ajar, pandai tak bole nak ikot nie. seriously. it's annoying. 

much love korangs! xxox! 

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