:: And that was 2022 ::

 Assalamualaikum korangs. :)

Wow. I made it back here. Woohoo!!

Anyhoo....how is everybody?

I'm fine, thank you. Tak tanya pon sis nak jawab jugak. Hehe. So let me update you on me last year. Latest thing is we finally moved to a new place! ALHAMDULILLAH. It's back to just me and LVDV again. It was sudden but I guess we needed that sudden of moment. I shall not elaborate much (it's best that I don't) but all I'm saying in the end everything is okay. Well, more than okay. Because I'm super happy!!! Things happen for a reason after all kan? Just nak mentioned lah I now have that KLCC city view from the comfort of my balcony. Nice eh? This place I'll call it Baytuna, it means 'our house' in Arabic. No house warming party (yet...) , but if you wanna come over let me know. I'll cook. Boleh request menu kalau nak dengan syarat bawak bahan sendiri. Haaa gituhh. 

I also moved mama closer to me. She's like living 5 minutes away je. And I see her more often now, obviously. I always pray that I will have more time with her. Now, I do. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana susunkan segala-galanya secantik-cantiknya. I am beyond grateful.

I've also registered as a SK Magic agent. Yups, back in the industry but minus the service workload. Only doing sales. Therefore, if you need any water purifier, air purifier, aircond or even washer & dryer please don't hesitate to gimme a buzz. I provide service nationwide. And I'm dedicated to help. Please recommend me to family and friends or even your bosses too. I plan to also take up corporate sales. Of course la introducer ada perks jugak...kita PM tepi ek? hehe. You help me, I help you okeh? 

How is LVDV? Dia baik2 ajaaaaa... quit from the old company, and now we're both doing the same thing (among other stuffs as well). We've always clicked-well as a team. I guess sesungguhnya berdua is lebih baik. Working together was never an issue for us. As a matter of fact, we're a perfect match. We've pass the decade time frame too. Who knew kan? This relationship journey deserves a special posting. Maybe I'll blog one. Tunggu je lahhh..yang penting, I'm STILL in love. Yay! I'm literally suprised dengan diri sendiri jugak. LOLs. Like you know, good job girl! You're committed! Bravo!! 

Oh..ohh...ohhh...just in case you didn't know, I was Covid +ve sometime early of last year. Did my part, stayed home for a week. My experience was rather a smooth one. Demam, sakit tekak and lesu badan for a day. Next day dah better skit baru buat RTK and was positive. After that I was A-okay. Nasib baik ada TikTok. Sis bosan maka sis pon ber-tiktok. Don't judge eh. It's purely for fun. I mean I get to be bitchy on socmed. So, why not?!?!?! Who knew I was talented in miming? hahahaha. I'm more consistent there than my IG postings nowadays. Shocker aight? I used to be one of those people yang macam 'nope-i-will-never-be-one-those-on-TikTok' person 'over-my-dead-body' kinda 'ewww, TikTok?' ...u know? Kan orang slalu cakap never say never sis. Padan muka ko. Eat your own words now. Feel free to follow me k. Find me: @luvtanya80. Sila follow, like and comment. Jangan share. Sis malu. Haha. 

Also last year I really wanted to try my best to meet up with as many friends as I could. Some still pending though. Biasalah plan punya plan punya plan last2 asyik tak jadi je. Last year I rekindled friendships that I felt was fading. And I  realized, if someone is your friend by heart, they'll always be your friend. Some I met face to face, some just online via socmed. Geng yang sama still haven't got their sambal udang yet. Gosh! I'm gonna make it happen this year. MUST! Almost whoever yang ajak sis jumpa last year, I will try my best to be there. Life is short after all, you'll never know when is the last time you'll see someone forever kan?

My ohana extended. A nephew and a niece! Hud Rafaeel and Nur Maryam Athaillah. Both from my brothers. Hiks. My sis katanya has retired. Twintots last dia kataaaaaa... so anak2 buah TyMeow dah bertambah which means duit raya ada additional sampul lah tahun nie. Can't wait to spoil them with my fun-ness. I mean come on...TyMeow equals to fun-times kot. Everyone looks forward to it. Once in a while kita selit la jugak edu-times. Like there was this one cuti skolah we bawak 5As pegi Pusat Sains Negara. Perghhh... pegi blaja sains pastu balik pengsan weh! What was I thinking?!?!?! Half way exploring twintots penat jalan katanya makanya we piggy-back them. Hilang 3kg aku in an instant. Hahaha. But tak kisahlah sebab at least they'll forever remember that Tymeow yang bawak. As a childless aunty, I think I always wanna find ways or things to do that makes a mark in their lives. Seperti contoh bring them to their first movie-sesh. Gitulah. Nanti dah besar sikit TyMeow bawak pergi to their first concert plak. Hehehehe. 

Macam dah terpanjang plak bebel. Asalnya nak blog helo2 jer. May i find time to keep my blog alive again. I actually kinda miss it. But tu laa...when over the years I've become from an extrovert to an ambivert person, macam banyak benda plak aku malas nak share. I've always loved my privacy u know. Lebih tenangggggg....ribut jiwa. Gittew. We see how la eh. I'll think of something or topics to write about. If you have any suggestions let me know too boleh?

Til the next post...buhbyessss!!!

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