:: it's not even ... ::

 Assalamualaikum! Hi korangs. 

I am currently at the point of thinking to create my own podcast. Should I? This is not new, it has been a while in my head. Cuma i haven't found the courage to start. Sis kan sejenis suka procastinate. Heh. LVDV keeps saying i like to talk a lot. Sometimes I don't even know when to stop. Haha. And ohemmgeeee the amount of teas people are spilling to me is......let's just say i don't tadah using cups. I usually use jugs. LOLs. What do you guys think? Proceed? I need feedbacks pleaseeee...

So, as im blogging this, it's actually a few days away from Eid. I'm taking a break from work in the office kejap. If you're making that pelik face of reading "office" ...yes, im in the office. New office in fact. Just started my journey a couple months ago. Sis reveal soon la eh what I'm doing pulak this time. Hahaha. I know I know I have like almost every month a new thing going on. That's just me guys. I take up opportunities while it is offered. I make do and see if I can go for it. I'm a Gemini. I hate boring-ness. So bare with me. My new journey deserves a special posts. Sis blog about it soon k, inshaAllah.

It's not even...half the year yet but 2023 has been very challenging. For me la at least. I know this is perhaps the consequences of last year but dengan hati terbuka I accept dugaan Allah ini. It has been an eye opener for me in many many aspects in life. Personally, internally even externally. MasyaAllah. This is me far from complaining but just documenting it for my own memories. Maklumlah sis bukan sejenis semua benda nak update socmed. I pick and choose things I wanna post but blogging is something else. I pour a bit more here. 

Dengan izin-Nya next year it will be a different life for me. And never again I will be at this stage I am like this exact moment of time writing. My life will change beautifully with Allah's guide. Bismillah. No guys........there is no wedding in planning. I'm not going THAT way. No thanks. I am already surrounded with people who loves me and terima me seadanya. If u cannot accept me as who I am, I will gladly remove myself away from you. No heart feelings. Actually if u noticed, I've started doing it pon since last year. It took only one incident to make me sedar diri. Not everyone stays in your life forever. And if you know me well, i never look back. I've lost the bestest of friends along the way and I dont regret it. Setiap apa yang berlaku sudah tertulis kan...and everything happens for a reason. Yes? Kalau paham, eloklah. Kalau tak paham, I cannot help you. I dont hold grudges. But if you do, by all means please cut ties with me. Hating someone is the last thing I wanna do. It's not healthy you know kerja nak membenci orang nie. Ish. 

Frankly speaking, im tired. But I'm not giving up. Although actually this is not the first time I hit rock bottom pon. For a fact that I know with time, all is well. Kene percaya dengan Allah. Always bersangka baik. Maka dengan itu bezanya kali ni kurang banyak lah sis melatah or naik hangin. When i was younger, I used to get angry easily. Kerja nak curse orang je memanjang. Semua lah salah orang, tak tengok diri sendiri. Terok ekk perangai tu, haha. Now, I'm wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy calmer. Alhamdulillah. Serious talk, I am not alim but I've learned that everytime you angkat tangan berdoa, you turunkan dahi ke tanah bersujud, you utter the words of Quran, God sends u a sense of hope and perasaan yang tenang that when u believe in Him, He will take care of you. 

This year, nampaknya tak beraya sangat lah. Tapi happy raya tetaplah ada. Apalah sangat nak comparekan harta benda dengan the people who are with you. Dalam pada banyak kurang , terselit jugak terlebihan rezeki from a different side. Dalam sedih-sedih tu actually ada happiness behind it that is very heartwarming. Antara kita nampak dengan tak je lah. 

Before I end, let me share this one quote i found recently that I really love...

Selamat Hari Raya gais! Maaf Zahir & Batin ye... much LOVE!


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