:: my 5 of 2018 ::

Hi guys! Assalammualaikum! im still alive! hahahahaha!

You know how every year i start my intro with how long ive been away from this blog and what not? well, not gonna happen this year. 

ive just watched Vivy's NY vlog and when she mentioned about how we should concentrate more on the good stuffs that happened in the past year rather than the meltdowns, i thought "hell yeah! that's sooooo gonna be my first blog post all about in 2019!". im gonna share 5 moments/things that i wanna remember most in 2018, good times moments of course. though i probably have more than 5 la obviously but hey i dont wanna be so self-absorbed bitch. duhh! 

#1 - my Ohanas are back for good

alhamdulillah, 2018 brought everyone back to MY. they left kampong SYD and balik ke kampong KL for good. even papa, ummi and lil baby sis Adriana is back in KL for good. like welcome home everybody!!!!! hahaha. 2018 is probably the year i gather with my siblings the most and it feels good having them around. walaupon ada je sesi bercakaran. for so many many years ive been on my own kan.just to have them living in the same city kinda means a lot actually. no more calculating flight tickets. hehe. although macam sedih la jugak we had to say goodbye to SYD after all these years but come on we can always be back to visit. and everytime i go visit mama, ill try my best to cook something for the fambam. that's what i do best pon at home. cook and eat. eat and cook.

#2 - i launched Cinta Tiara

i have a strong bonding with my sisters. did u know i lost a baby sister when i was 1 year old? if she was around then there would be 4Ts sisters. she didnt survived after living approximately for about a week plus only. though i was very very young but i know she meant a lot to me. i still remember masa kecik2 dulu everytime we visit her grave i would korek2 the tanah with a stick to rescue her out. and cried my eyes out whenever we had to just leave her, u know? so, when i decided to have my own label, what's more complete than to put our arwah sister Tiara as part of it. it was perfect...for me. that's how i got Cinta Tiara named. even the first collection of shawls is called Tiara Shawls.please visit my ig guys :p @cintatiara.rtw 

#3 - i went hiking,omg!

i am not kidding. i swear to God i did! u guys can check my ig post in March 2018. i totally captioned that i wanted to blog about it but biasalah......harap bersabar noks. i will. not in a million years i would have thought i will ever do an outdoor thingy called hiking, but never say never eh? to the peak of Bukit Senaling i hiked guys. special thanks to the supportive gang i had on that day who had to pancing me with nasi lemak and americano ala-starbucks once i reached the top. not to mention to those yang had to literally push my bonbons cause separuh mati mintak nyawa. hahahaha. thanks guys, not! lols! 

#4 - i cried at Erin's wedding

perancangan Allah swt itu maha sempurna. i said that because i was at Erin's wedding! MasyaAllah, how beautifully and smoothly it went. from merisik to the preparations to the day itself! and then pengantin couldn't stop crying lepas akad nikah...sudahnya me and mira also kememe with her sebab she couldnt stop. and we had no tissues with us masa tu! sabar je lah. nevertheless, so very happy for Erin. thank you for inviting me and allow me being apart of your special day. i am thankful. 

#5 - broke the 6 years itch curse, omg!

kalau ikot tahun, it’s suppose to be in 2019 BUT technically kalau ikot bulan, we passed the date in October 2018. like, woahhhhhhh....i don’t know about others but this is an achievement for me personally. i am with the same person (ehem, LVDV, saranghae!) for 6 years already. i never pass this timeline. daripada awal tahun my bffs dah bagi warning ‘ko-jangan-macam2-eh-babe’..LOLs! takde apa yang nak dimacamkan pon wehhh. if there was ever it should’ve started in the 4th year. Eh! Kidding. Hehe. But on a serious note, i am thankful for having LVDV by my side at all times. susah senang moments. for me, LVDV is my rezeki from God.

So there you go. My 5 things.  What’s yours?
And here’s a selfie just in case korang lupa what i look like. ✌🏼

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