:: kangkang layu? ::

"kangkang dah layu?"
I stared at the sentence. Re-reading it a few times trying to figure out.
I asked and burst into laughter for about 3 minutes straight.
While replying i was still laughing my ass off.
Tia was in Sydney you see. She's like 3hours ahead of us in MY. it's actually pretty normal for us to have late night talks like this but selalunya dia bau bangun and is waiting for Subuh. This time dia baru nak tido. I suspect dia ngantok teroks tapi but she can't seem to sleep. I was pretty much still awake doing some work while trying to win over level 575 Candy Crush Saga.

We continued texting after that but in between minutes i still LOL-ed. Too funy at that our of the day. It's either typo sebab jari Tia tembam naw or she was actually quite mamai or it was the damn auto-correct. Hahaha. I didn't even bothered to ask. Too busy mengekek tak hengat. Hahahaha. 

Thank goodness our other T sister was asleep. Kalau tak mesti kene bahan seminggu. Hahahaha. Next time let's just voicenote eh? 

Sorry Ya, i just had to blog this. Gonna read it back to your kids in the future. You know..."Mak korang dulu burung hantu slalu tido lambat sampai tertypo kangkung jadi kangkang. Hahahaha..Aunty Meow had one of the best laugh ever sampai senak perut. Hahahahaha"
Ironically, the letter A and U is not even next to each other weh!

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