:: this happens ::

what happens at 3.14am when ure still up doing some extra work?

this happens.

'a little bit of ...TWIX' katanya. im already on my third stick guys. pftts. i should be snacking on carrots right? wrong. im saving those orange-veggies for Bibit. Twix is all i have for now. buying them in K-Mart at the very last minute were meant for nights like this, right? RIGHT. 

noticed anything different? yups. just in case you're wondering, im hiding from mom. hahaha. but yeah, im not kidding. sejak dua menjak both my parents are active online. maka adalah lebih afdal neither of them should bump into my writing, and i needed something new. something to let me stay as luvtanya, therefore Loved by Luvtanya it is. :)

besides, i miss blogging. this so-called new-ish me should motivate me to get back on track. havent u noticed? my last post was in May wehhhh....it's November now for crying out loud. *tepuk dahi* where have i been? where?!?!?!?!?! 6months MIA from my own blog. apakes?

you'll probably read some throwbacks stories lepas nie. haha. u know....stories yang happened months ago. NOT kejadian semalam. it's called 'baling belakang' for a reason. not 'baling semalam'. unless you're the type who doesnt really know how to baling at all. by the way, are hashtags valid in blogging? im just curious. :P

to a much more simpler me who is not getting any younger. holla!

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