:: bongoks giler ::

u know what makes me smile? having a bestlovefriend like Sue. 
she posted this on my FB wall recently...

i love you mucho too babe!

sweet kan?
me and her, we've shared a million stories i think. if not maybe more. some sad ones, some happy ones, some angry ones, some disgusted ones, some over the top ones and some totally P&C ones. talking to her eases my soul. keeps me sane. she never says what i wanna hear (typical scorpio). kalo ada pon, that's totally courtesy je untuk sedapkan hati aku 5minit pastu sebijik setepet dia kasi. huwaaa. nevertheless, i  still love her mucho!

then i felt anxious. if she posted this which obviously with the help of FB memories reminder, mana reminder aku wehh?!?!? i waited. and waited. and waited.
wtf?!?! bongoks giler.
dalam banyak2 pictures, they just had to compile this one?!?!
nak kene carut ke cemana FB reminder nie?


dont ask. okbai,

*vomits rainbow*

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