:: oh hello 2020 ::
Assalam. It's already March 2020. im super late this year. Haha. yang paling tak boleh blah sekali is that i actually blogged once in 2019. omg, ONCE! one time jer! dah kenapaaaaaaaa....
as much as i miss blogging, nampaknya i couldn't find time to do so. haih. rasa macam disappointed dengan diri sendiri. a bit. but then again, let's move on shall we?
so, what's happening since last year til now for me?
as of this month, im celebrating my 1st year as a Coway Lady. apparently, it's hard to say this but i think i actually love this job. surprise surprise huh? 6 months down the road into it i managed to qualify to their Cody Jump Up program. which means for my batch, im among the best 30% nationwide who was lucky to be chosen. got super excited sebab siap dapat cert. lols. i know, sis mudah terhibur sekarang. i hope in another year i will move up jadi a Cody Manager. next goal gituh. hence saying that, for those who are reading kalau korang need any advice or assistant or even nak beli any Coway product please don't hesitate to contact me k? #sempatpromote
if you're wondering, yes, im still with LVDV. nothing has change. still goofy and in love with each other. still pretty much inseparable. no longer in honeymoon years...duhh. but segala-galanya berdua la. kecuali tido la kot, dia tido awal sekarang. faktor umur. haha.
ohhhh...most exciting news, my Ohanas expanded! we now have twintots in the family! woohoo! not mine obviously. my sister's. there's Akid n Akif. the new addition. also, Faz who got engaged to my youngest brother last year. wedding kompang soon, inshaAllah.
apalagi ek?
hmmm...cukup la tu for now. will update more soon. read: 2021..haha kidding. life has been catching up quite closely. havent had much time to do the things i love doing. read: blogging. but let's hope things will change this year. tak se-sadis last year. ONE post. omg, aku tak boleh move dengan diri sendiri. pffts.
may u guys who are still reading my blog be in good health and blessed always. inshaAllah, aamiin. and yeah, thank you for making time reading my nonsense. take care everyone, lotsa love!
xxox, Nia.
as much as i miss blogging, nampaknya i couldn't find time to do so. haih. rasa macam disappointed dengan diri sendiri. a bit. but then again, let's move on shall we?
so, what's happening since last year til now for me?
as of this month, im celebrating my 1st year as a Coway Lady. apparently, it's hard to say this but i think i actually love this job. surprise surprise huh? 6 months down the road into it i managed to qualify to their Cody Jump Up program. which means for my batch, im among the best 30% nationwide who was lucky to be chosen. got super excited sebab siap dapat cert. lols. i know, sis mudah terhibur sekarang. i hope in another year i will move up jadi a Cody Manager. next goal gituh. hence saying that, for those who are reading kalau korang need any advice or assistant or even nak beli any Coway product please don't hesitate to contact me k? #sempatpromote
if you're wondering, yes, im still with LVDV. nothing has change. still goofy and in love with each other. still pretty much inseparable. no longer in honeymoon years...duhh. but segala-galanya berdua la. kecuali tido la kot, dia tido awal sekarang. faktor umur. haha.
ohhhh...most exciting news, my Ohanas expanded! we now have twintots in the family! woohoo! not mine obviously. my sister's. there's Akid n Akif. the new addition. also, Faz who got engaged to my youngest brother last year. wedding kompang soon, inshaAllah.
apalagi ek?
hmmm...cukup la tu for now. will update more soon. read: 2021..haha kidding. life has been catching up quite closely. havent had much time to do the things i love doing. read: blogging. but let's hope things will change this year. tak se-sadis last year. ONE post. omg, aku tak boleh move dengan diri sendiri. pffts.
may u guys who are still reading my blog be in good health and blessed always. inshaAllah, aamiin. and yeah, thank you for making time reading my nonsense. take care everyone, lotsa love!
xxox, Nia.