:: owh hello 2015 ::

this year i promised to keep things simple yet significant.

happy new year 2015 u ols. kbai.
too simple pon tak leh jugak kan? hah!

if you're thinking 'giler busy pompuan nie' baru sekarang nak wish new year. the answer is i kinda am but i kinda am not. honestly, i didnt couldnt find time to blog-up. lame excuse i know, will work on it this year. hehe.

besides being away during the 1st week of 2015, life has been pretty much pre-occupied. believe it or not, kengkawan pon blom sempat jumpa. not to mention dugaan bila encem-boii (LVDV's car) decided to have viral fever. i believe it takes time to heal so we're not pressuring him so much.

looking on the bright side, i never knew walking is fun (in Msia). been walking often and it feels good. some sort of exercise gitewwww...but the real reason what i love about it is walking with LVDV. walk and talk. stop walking still talking. once in a while aku ala walkathon lelaju sebab ada hanjing main kejar2 kat lorong sebelah. siot ahh.

end of last year, i have a lot on my plate. bring forward this year, still a lot..but in the midst of settling one by one. im a gemini, being focus is not my forte. a lot of re-thinking and re-planning to do. phewww. memang penat otak but rezeki takkan nak tolak ye tak? sebaik-baiknya akan diuruskan, inshaAllah.

overall, im excited for this year!!!! more things to do, more stuffs to explore and more places to go!!! ...and owh, more people to ignore!!! ahahahaha. okay tak baik. sorry. be the better person babe...bestlovefriend would remind me. then i remind her back. thanx babe.

to everyone else, especially my readers (and haters who are also among my readers)...i wish u well this year. and good luck in ething yang korang venture in. whatever you do, have fun n be safe okeh? mwahs!

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