:: #luvcooks lala goreng pedas ::

eh tetiba nak share resipi pulak...bole ke? sila harap maklum that ive deleted my food-blog due to kemalasan nak handle bebanyak blog..masa mencemburui ku gituhhh! last time i check it was like 3 bulan skali aku hapdate blog tu so apa kejadah namanya kan? i think here is also relevant to share whatever i cook..kan?

so when it comes to cooking..im a Rachel Ray n Nigella fanatic. paling selalu is resipi yang guna paling sikit barang n bahan...my baking is fancier than my cooking. Hehe..and there are times i help out friends who ask for recipes but mostly paling senang ill just ask korang teringin nak makan apa n ill just masak n sila datang umah untuk fulfill keinginan tekak itu..

tapi lately with business growing by day (alhamdulillah...) i dont have time nak tolong masakkan so korang kene la masak sendiri i help out bagi resipi je ok?
so for Lala Goreng Pedas:

Cili padi
Bawang putih
Sos tiram

How to:
1. Tumbuk cili padi n bawang putih kasar2 ...how many is really up to you
Sukahati je la byk mana.
2. Tumis bahan tumbuk tadi with a bit minyak sampai naik bau n a bit garing.
3. Add in the lala and kacau.
4. When shells turns color add in sos tiram a bit n some water for gravy. Cook for 5mins.
5. Add a pinch of garam ...and done!

bole hidang with nasi putih n ulam n sirap selasih...inshaAllah licin pinggan. Hahaha..
Selamat memasak!

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