:: crazee ::

It’s been crazy. Since beginning of the year in fact. So many things happened. So many things are being said n done. i told u its been crazy. a crazy year perhaps...hehe…funny along the way and sometimes almost to perfection but still…crazy.

To have completely walked out from a relationship that once upon a time ago I thought it was for forever. I must say it wasn’t easy for me…furthermore for the other. As much so I hurt you… believe me deep inside I’m all cried out as well. It was a relationship of fun…laughs...love...and learning. I am who I am 2day because of it…I cherished every moment and every year together therefore I have no regrets. It wasn’t really about what happened but merely about how we grown out of each other I think…last moments were the worse. We did things without even thinking about each other feelings. It must be anger in her and upset in me…it’s heartbreaking. Tears aren’t enough for me to cry it all out. Some are still inside me in sorrow…it’s not that I don’t love dear one…but people change. I changed...and I’m sorry. The crazy moment I said my heart was with someone else..i killed u completely didn’t I? I left no hope at all. But that’s what you’ve always thought me…to never lie to urself. At least we went 2gether to Disneyland!! I don’t blame you if u hate me forever but what we had was more than a good relationship and u know it. A part of u is always in me. In myself…in my life. We resemble each other too much I guess. For whatever it takes to turn back time I would never change a thing at all...once upon a time of 6yrs…my life was u and me. Crazy us…to love, to care and to share.

To be friends with the wackiest people of all. I love my oh-so-crazy friends…especially my babes!! They’re d craziest babes a gal can ever have. Two diff gals from two diff background but yet we stick together come what may…they’re the only ones whom I allow to call me such slutty names. Yes…I’m their bitch..and loving it! The closest of friends tat so much so makes us Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda. We had Samantha before but she turned out to be gay…hahaha. Beloved friends of mine that proves friendship is important beyond anything else…thru good days n bad days. A hug of a friend says all…but oh! Not to forget the other type of crazy friends…the not-so-beloved one. The ones that says indirectly to you ‘hating me won’t make u pretty’...please la gal…I am prettier than u…I don’t even have to hate u...at all!!! For these kinds of friends my craziness says… stay around me for as long as u want but really…try and get a life of your own. I’m sorry if I took yours away but then again…it wasn’t my decision. I don’t mind being friends with all but I dislike the most ones who acts so angelic in front of you but bitch about u behind your ass…and as I said before get a life please friends! If u really had one…you’d stop talking already rite...wait wait…not to forget crazy being friends with ones in denial… What’s there to hide about? U think people care about u is it? Everyone knows what lies beneath and what happens behind closed doors. Let me be honest n direct…other friends don’t give a damn about u but really it’s such a pity you’re even in this stage. Come on…stop acting all crazy and happy when really you’re not! Oh well…so what you’re wearing all the expensive labels wit blingblings n all…it’s on sale anyway! Trust me dear…if I don’t care…others as well. But then again as I’m crazy…I’m still a friend. A friend now. A friend always.

To fall in LOVE again!!!! Till this day I’m writing this I haven’t yet believe I’m in love and loving each moment of it!! Its karma the balance of life when u believes that behind one hurt there’s always happiness within. Someone who makes u smile every morning and makes u sing every shower…hehe…or most of the time we sing together. We made it till now for it was because the acts of two others. What happened really happened for a reason. From day one we met again...let me recall…5th Jan? Everything after that seems fall into places...but everything else around us fall apart. Its love I believe. That found me after being away for such a long distance of time..For now I take u as my love... a different one indeed. A matter of nothing happened really in Melaka turned out to be a miracle in disguise…little they know that they’re the reason we end up with each other. Must so I say thanks! A crazy thanks that is…and I'm happy with life now. It may not seem perfect to others but it’s almost too perfect to me. To love and be loved in return isn’t that everyone’s wish? Then came the date 29th Mac…perfect proposal, perfect white gold necklace and pendant to make us official…in Penang! For some reason the day was filled with love...and forever more till 2day. And more to come of my crazy fairytale love-story of 2008…love you sayang! Sgt!

To moments in this year…a year of a new beginning of a lot of things. New love…new friends...new environment…new job...new life…I wish for each and every crazy moment of it…ill be okay and always be me…crazeeeeee me.. ;)

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