
Showing posts from December, 2014

:: kenduri ::

finally, a kenduri doa selamat with family at sucasa.micasa. shall we consider this our penutup for 2014? hmmm...i think we shall...  *smiles* this year, macam giler sekejap je rasanya kan? tahu tahu je dah hujung tahun. berapa kerat blogpost je yang sempat i ols coretkan dah tetiba nak kene prepare for azam-baru topik. hehe, as if. last saturday, selepas penat lelah dan semput mengatasi "obstacle" for a few months, we finally dapat tarik nafas lega. semuanya sudah teratur dan diatur dan yang tinggal is only to manage it. alhamdulillah. itu yang terus buat kenduri. for the first time, kenduri yang proper. kalau setakat makan2 biasa memang dah selalu sangat. but this time it was proper kenduri. i smiled in my heart masa baca doa. Tuhan aja yang tahu how overwhelmed i felt. great feeling i tell you. stared at LVDV's glad face was a heartfelt. the best part, LVDV's family came (aunties, uncles n cosins)..loved the house (and the food. ehem, ehem).  nenek also ...

:: now i understand ::

" the true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back". ..tis appeared on my insta TL. i would assume they are still immature and the only situation i would wanna understand is that they are bloody idiots. u know how rumors travels fast? not this time. it took a while. yet it was somehow meant to be. if it wasnt for LVDV i would've smack the shit out of them already. okay tipu, im not that brutally of a kak long kawasan type. haha. trust me, i never will be. but u get the idea of how mad i am right? but the rumors did took place. and it hurt. scarred me quite deep cuma tinggal nak cry it out. but after  deep thoughts, that crying thing is not gonna happen just cause i have so much respect of my life right now. there's so many things happening at this many things to be thankful many things to feel blessed for..and maybe just maybe, sakit hati yang satu nie is God...

:: i got married! ::

yuhuuuu...i got married! my mom in particular is gonna freak out if she knew. tak pon she'll be like "apa laa u ni Nia" ...but then benda nie small matter so takyah la bagitau mama ye tak? LVDV was like "u nie dah kenapa nak kawen2 bagai?" ...giler emo. bhahahaha. i indeed have the tendency to get married secretly. but hello....baju kawen ropol2 je dah 9k takkan tak nak kepochi? hahahaha. and look at my hasben, cap ke blakang and sunglass kpop bro. btw, his name is Jordan. LVDV selalu bising kalo amik pix i end up mata tutup. im naturally like dat. dalam game pon aku tutup mata. pffts! there you go people, got married in Florence. kelas kau jahh! ini semua angkara soulsistah Shazna. she got me into this. now im hooked. so far attending photoshoots and fashion shows. skali-skala do appearance at parties. kemain lagi kan? i have a shop, a cat, an apartment and a grand house in Miami. gigih siot. so far happily married. but i still go on dates with my ...