:: my 5 of 2018 ::

Hi guys! Assalammualaikum! im still alive! hahahahaha! You know how every year i start my intro with how long ive been away from this blog and what not? well, not gonna happen this year. ive just watched Vivy's NY vlog and when she mentioned about how we should concentrate more on the good stuffs that happened in the past year rather than the meltdowns, i thought "hell yeah! that's sooooo gonna be my first blog post all about in 2019!". im gonna share 5 moments/things that i wanna remember most in 2018, good times moments of course. though i probably have more than 5 la obviously but hey i dont wanna be so self-absorbed bitch. duhh! #1 - my Ohanas are back for good alhamdulillah, 2018 brought everyone back to MY. they left kampong SYD and balik ke kampong KL for good. even papa, ummi and lil baby sis Adriana is back in KL for good. like welcome home everybody!!!!! hahaha. 2018 is probably the year i gather with my siblings the most and it feels good ...