
Showing posts from December, 2015

:: starting early for 2016 ::

i re-read my first post for this year and i was 18days late. pffts. i decided to not let it happen again so therefore i am 48hrs (plus/minus) head-start for 2016. so proud. start early. so not me. haha. so, 2015 was simple yet significant. as i wanted it to be in my 2015 new year post . banyak benda yang tak plan menjadik tapi as usual lagi banyak yang di-plan tak menjadik. i guess that's what you call a balance in life. apa juga rezeki yang didatangkan, syukur alhamdulillah. apa juga yang tak best tu, i try my best to learn something out of it.  the saddest part about this year, was the passing of nenek in September. i swear somewhere in me havent moved on yet but i stay strong cause i know she is in a better place. i don't talk much about her since i get teary-eyes easily. masa b'day arwah recently, lil bro did a simple video compilation for the family. i cried sampai bengkak2 mata. im am THAT penyedih. nothing like arwah yang strong will. the only thing i probab...