:: #moviereview La La Land ::

The hype was over. Actually we couldn't find any time to go and watch it. Until both lil brothers gave their reviews about the movie, I just had to go jugak-jugak and watch it at the cinema. Loved. Every. Second. Of. It. It wasn't like any other love story. It was deeper than that. For me. There was Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and Mia (Emma Stone) who kept on bumping into each other lives on different accasions. Dua2 pon confident level tinggi they wouldn't "like" one another. But orang kata, kalau jodoh tak ke mana...they did. There u go, that scene alone had me rolling tears down my cheeks. It didn't make sense (to some people) how flying in between stars and dancing around in the clouds potrayed as falling in love but for me, it did. Yes, im a sucker for that kind of love. Haha. So, then life took over and both had dreams that they wanted to achieve. But life isn't always like we planned it to be. Dreams became just working for a living and ...