
Showing posts from January, 2018

:: thank you 2017 ::

is it just me or memang everytime approaching new year everyone tetiba datang rajin nak blog something. and by something means your-konon-upcoming-resolutions-for-next-year. okay fine, i admit. it's just me actually. gosh! last year, i was a week early. this year, sort of a month! amik kau. haha. apakah? actually i drafted this piece early in December tapi half way je. sekarang baru datang mood nak sambung. apakah nak jadi dengan kau Tania oiii...smh. every single year ive been saying 'this year has been crazy' . honestly, im just saying the truth sebab it is. technically, it's crazier than the previous year. i mean, i don't think there will ever be a year where ill say. 'this year is okay-okay je la. biasa2 jerrrr' ..nope. not gonna happen. sebab every year is not okay. ada je kejadian. and it's like that because that's just how life is.  2017 has marked as one of the many sad moments. lost a few souls that was very very very VERY close to